Friday, March 29, 2013

3 Ideas for How Teachers Can Use Blogs in Their Classrooms

Ideas for Using Blogs in Schools

1. In a science classroom, teachers could create a blog for students to share current events.  The teacher could establish some sort of grading or extra credit criteria, where students need to post a link to an online article (stay green) and then write up a summary of the article and an explanation of how the article related to what we are or have studied in science class.

2.  Also in a science classroom, teachers can create a blog for students to share results from an experiment.  This way students can access their classmates data from any computer inside or outside of school.

3. Teachers can create a classroom blog for students and the teacher to share special or important moments that occur in the classroom.  Students can have the opportunity to reflect on what was in done in class and can publish blog posts for their classmates to read and comment on.  The type of blog would be as a common place for students to share important memories and events that occur during their year with that teacher.  

4.  For student leadership clubs, an advisor can create a blog for the students in the club to have access to.  The blog can be used for students in the group to pose ideas for potential community service projects or for students to share issues that students have with how students are interacting in their school.  The blog can serve as a brainstorming pallet for student leadership groups to brainstorm ideas for how to make their school a better place.

5.  For departments and other professional groups of people, co-workers can publish blog posts about implementing new lessons with students and can then share the blog posts with department heads, fellow co-workers or even more with a professional network of people outside of that teachers school district.  This type of a blog can serve as a place for teachers to reflect on their teaching.